• Domov
  • WiFi4EU – obestilo EK CEF Telecom Committee
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Glede na to, da imajo nekatere občine še vedno težave s podpisom dogovora, zaradi sprememb prvotnih podatkov in ponovnega zaprosila Ministrstva za javno upravo, objavljamo obvestilo, s strani EK CEF Telecom Committee-ja, v zvezi s problemi in reševanju le-teh pri podpisovanju dogovorov v okviru WiFi4EU pobude.


Dear CEF delegates,

Given the number of questions raised recently in regard to the WIFi4EU programme, we would like to share with you the following information and kindly ask you to distribute it to the interested municipalities of your country, notably those which have been attributed a voucher.

In the email notification indicating to the municipalities that they are selected for funding under the 2018-1 WiFi4EU call, it is stated that: “…for reasons of good administrative process, your municipality is expected to sign the Grant Agreement within 7 days of receipt of this invitation to sign the Grant Agreement. Failing to do so may be considered as a forfeit of the voucher on your part and could lead to cancellation of the Grant Agreement preparation.”

You may inform these municipalities that the 7-day period mentioned above is indicative. The reason we are suggesting this timeframe is in order to process the Grant Agreements as rapidly as possible so that municipalities can quickly proceed with the next steps of the actual WiFi4EU implementation. In the same vein, municipalities might have received or are likely to receive a 7-day or a 14-day reminder which is as well indicative.

Some municipalities might be currently technically blocked from signing the Grant agreement, this is due to a change of mayor (following local elections) or of contact person or other circumstances. If municipalities are encountering a technical problem preventing them from signing the Grant Agreement, we kindly invite them to contact the Helpdesk with an explicit request for an update/modification of the data in the WiFi4EU Portal. The request should clearly indicate “CHANGE REQUEST” in the Helpdesk form. The municipality concerned will then receive detailed instructions, including a CHANGE REQUEST form to initiate the modification of the data.

Please be aware that the data modification procedure might take longer than usual during the end-of-year holidays when Commission services are closed between 22/12/2018 and 02/01/2019 but rest assured that all CHANGE REQUEST forms will be dealt with in January 2019 on a case-by-case basis so as to provide solutions to all concerned municipalities. Municipalities will be duly informed once the change is done.

Please rest assured that municipalities facing technical difficulties in the WiFi4EU Portal will not be waived from the benefit of the WiFi4EU vouchers.

For any other question relating to the WiFi4EU programme, municipalities are kindly invited to always contact the helpdesk at  https://europa.eu/european-union/contact/write-to-us_en or call 00 800 67891011.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation.