• Domov
  • Obvestilo WiFi4EU – za morebitne spremembe podatkov
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Prejeli smo obvestilo iz Ministrstva za javno upravo z navodili kontaktne točke Europe direkt Evropske komisije, kakšen je postopek za spremembe podatkov (npr. nov župan, ali druga kontaktna oseba) v občinah, ki so bile izbrane na razpisu WiFi4EU pred podpisom pogodbe.

Besedilo objavljamo v angleškem jeziku, kot smo ga prejeli:

It is possible to change information after registration, including the details on the legal representative. This can be done by logging into the Wi-Fi4EU portal on Wi-Fi4eu.eu and going to the ‘My registration’ page. On this page, a registered municipality or installation company can see the information they have provided during the registration process. On the right of each sub-header (e.g. ‘Legal representative’) there is the word edit – clicking on this allows the registrant to review and edit his/her information.

Municipalities may modify almost all of their own data registered in the Portal at any time, except during the short period when a call is open and – for the winning municipalities – the time between their signing and INEA’s countersigning of the Grant Agreement. These edits may include e.g. updating of the the mayor/head of municipality/legal representative’s name and/or e-mail address following municipal elections or internal changes in the organisation, or modifications to the contact person’s name and/or address, supporting documents, etc. The only data that cannot be edited is the e-mail address of the person who originally made the municipality’s registration in the Portal, because it is linked to the EU Login of the contact person. However, an update/change of the contact person’s e-mail address may be requested via the following dedicated online form available in all EU languages:


Follow the instructions provided and indicate the relevant changes/information in the form pertaining to the municipality. The Commission will make the necessary changes upon your request and after verification of the documentation.

We hope you find this information useful. Please contact us again if you have other questions about the European Union, its activities or institutions.

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